Volunteer spotlight - the lovely Rita

Emmanuel City Mission is very fortunate to have a wonderful team of volunteers who literally hold our doors open each day. We sat down with Rita, a long time volunteer (and Roby’s mum!) to chat about some of her favourite things about her volunteering role.

Q: Rita, how long have you been involved with ECM?

My husband, Rob, and I have been involved since ECM started at 19 Merivale St. about 9 years ago.

Q: Could you explain what your role is?

My main role is to contact donors by telephone or email to thank them for their donations.

Q: What is it that you enjoy about volunteering at ECM?

I believe that we are living what Jesus asks of us in Matthews Gospel, Chapter 25. “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink……. Whatever you do to the least of my brothers [and sisters], you do to me.”

Q: Respecting confidentiality of course, could share with us some of the memorable moments you have had on the phone chatting to our supporters?

During our telephone conversations, I thank them firstly for their generosity and then I ask them where they heard about ECM. By far, most of the donors have heard about ECM while they searched the internet for charities that help the homeless.

The donors are very generous people who have a conscience that prompts them to help the homeless. Their problem of not actually knowing any homeless people is overcome by going to the internet and scrolling through the charities that help vulnerable people.

They have relayed to me that they are impressed by the obvious integrity shown by the ECM team. Several donors make their decision to donate to ECM in particular, because ECM are bold in their claim that their motivation comes from following the “teachings of Jesus” to use the words of one of the donors.

Below are some of the amazing stories I have heard when chatting with our wonderful supporters.

One day as I was calling donors, I couldn’t help noticing that several of the donations were coming from friends of one particular girl who volunteers at the centre. Recently she had turned 21 and had a party to celebrate. On her invitations, she asked her guests to make a donation to ECM rather than give her gifts. Many people who had never heard of ECM before, found out about our work and contributed generously.

Several donors come from distant cities in Australia. I spoke to a donor from country NSW, who told me that her brother who had an addiction was in Brisbane.

Because of his addiction, he could not afford accommodation and slept under bridges etc. This made the family very sad, but recently he told them about ECM and they now donate to ECM because they feel very consoled that he receives good meals, and is able to shower and wash his clothes there. He has told them he feels very welcome at ECM. They show their gratitude by donating to ensure their son and brother can continue to be well looked after here. Several families around Australia share similar stories because of a family member who is lost.

There are many people in the Brisbane community who have responsible, well-paid occupations and offer support to ECM. Lots of them say that they would love to be able to volunteer in the centre, but work pressures do not allow this. Instead, they make donations to allow the work at the centre to continue; They appreciate this opportunity to help the homeless people in our community.

The experience of speaking to donors has given me a feeling of hope and belief in the goodness of our community. God must be very pleased with what is happening in ECM, thanks to the wonderful support of loving donors.

If you too would like to volunteer your time at Emmanuel City Mission, please get in touch with our volunteer coordinator: Brittany.lee@ecm.org.au